Diary 2024
August 31 - All gone!
Last adult did not roost last night, so all gone now!
Again, best season so far: 6 breeding pairs 5 of which had chicks, fledging 13 chicks, with no chick fatalities and including 3 sets of triplets! Box 6 finally had breeding pair but rejected both eggs and then left. Also has some interest in a new box 7 but did not take.
August 29
Both chicks fledged yesterday from box 4, early morning within 1/2 hr of each other. Now only 1 adult roosting there, our last bird of the season.
July 31
Last chick fledged from box 1 last night, at last! Just the single parent roosted there. Remaining birds are the family in box 4.
July 28
Last chick fledged from box 2 this afternoon.
July 27 - More Fledging
2 chicks went from box 1 this morning, 1 left there.
July 25
Last of the 3 box 5 chicks has gone this morning, age 42 days if last to hatch. Also 2 have fledged from box 2, aged min 39 days, 1 chick left there. Just the adults roosted in 3 last night.
July 24 - More fledging
Looks like both young went from box 3 around 1pm today, aged 38 days. Meanwhile the missing adult in box 1 has not returned, leaving 1 parent with it's 3 young still.
July 23 - Another fledging
From box 5.
July 19 - First fledging.
Had lots of screaming parties around the colony today which probably enticed our first fledging from box 5, at age 37-39 days. 12 chicks to go.
July 17
Last egg has also hatched, so we have 13 chicks and no more eggs. Looks like 1 adult in box 1 did not roost overnight on the 17th, will see if it returns today..
Also, looks like both adults in box 6 have left the box for good.
July 16 - 12th chick!
In box 4, still 1 egg there which hopefully be the last chick this season.
July 12
Box 6 kicked last egg out again so that is it now, no chicks there.
July 11
Box 6 have lost an egg, not sure what happened to it. They also kicked out the other one which I then replaced into the nest. They have probably decided they are not viable, not yet returned to the box this evening.
June 28 Egg number 15!
A 2nd for box 4.
June 26 - New clutch!
Box 4 has started a new clutch after the starling incident, so total of 14 eggs now. Box 6 has managed to keep their eggs in the cup so far..
June 20
Box 6 has ejected 1 of the pair from the nest cup, will try to put it back...
Finally both birds were out and managed to put the egg back, and on 21st it is still there.
June 17 - Egg news
15th egg, 2nd in box 6. Then later we noticed that both eggs in box 4 were gone. Looking at the motion capture, a starling got into the box and destroyed them in a few minutes between swift visits. So back to 13 eggs now.
June 16 - 3 more chicks!
Remaining 2 eggs have hatched in box 2. And both hatched in box 3. 2nd egg in 3 must have been laid before the date recorded. So could be max of 10 chicks so far.
June 14 - 14th egg!
Just landed in box 6. So with all 6 pairs laying and an extra pair to last year, have we got first time nesters that are laying? Not usual case.
June 12 - Another chick
1st hatching of the 3 in box 1.
June 12 - Third chick and maybe fourth and maybe fifth
First hatching in box 2. Not sure if 1 or 2. Also, looks like the 3rd egg has hatched in box 5.
June 10 - First chicks!
2 hatchings in box 5 on same day, still 1 egg intact.
June 9 - Box 7
After much 'banging' from several prospectors over the last few days, I have added box 7 to the colony, without any camera.
June 6
Many prospectors hitting multiple boxes this morning, sometimes 2 birds clinging to same box, the residents were not happy, but all was ok eventually (see videos fir box 6).
June 5 - Another new pair!
After 2 years, we finally have a pair in box 6. Arrived this morning during quite a lot of swooping and box banging by several prospectors.
June 4 - Two more eggs!
A 2nd for boxes 3 & 4. That's 13 in total. Longest ever period between eggs, 10 days, in box3.
June 1 - 11th egg!
At last, the newest pair in box 4 have laid. So all pairs now have eggs.
May 26 - Tenth egg
In box 2, making a trio of trios, first time ever!
May 25 - Ninth egg of season
In box 1, making a 2nd trio.
May 24 - Two more eggs!
In box 2 & 3. So that's 8 viable eggs in total so far.
May 23 - Two more eggs!
In box 1 & 5. That's a trio for box 5!
May 21 - Three more eggs this morning and another pair!
Eggs in boxes 1, 2 & 5. The single bird in box 4 (we think the evicted bird) has found a mate, so it's 5 pairs now.
May 19 - Second egg of season
In box 5.
May 17 - Ninth bird
Arrived in box 4 overnight.
Meanwhile in box 3, the egg has been kicked out of the nest cup. We replaced it today but when they returned it was kicked out again. So probably the intruder has taken residence.
May 16 - First egg of the season!
Appeared in box 3 (the first pair) mid-morning but then also had an intruder and ongoing tussle near the hole.
May 13 - Much hullabaloo!
After what looked like much box swapping over few days we had a tussle in box 2 when a 3rd bird entered which lasted from about 5PM till probably 4ish AM according to the motion capture photos. Trying to break it up with water spray into the hole and tapping on the box proved useless, so we left them to it. Luckily, having checked first thing today all was well with 2 more pairs in 1 & 5!
May 8 - Second pair
In box 2 with singles in 1 & 5.
May 6 - First pair
Now we have a pair in box3 and singles in 2 & 5, whilst box 1 is empty!
May 2 - First birds of season!
Single bird arrived in boxes 1 & 5 early evening.